Just a quick update on the filmings :)
the trials went down well, no major changes in the choreography and from what I've heard, people LOVE all the new releases... well done to the choreographers!
As usual, the filmings are getting so popular and we have visitors from Portugal, Spain and Japan etc... the gym is so busy during this time.
BodyJam 40 features Gandalf, Chris Richardson (his charisma really added flavor to this benchmank mix!) and Martteo from Portugal. This is gonna be a cool mix, a bit of all the dance styles we are familiar with, and we also get the chance to experience new ways of dancing! For one of the blocks, Ginny and Melanie joined the team on stage and it was like watching a broadway show haha. We also had a very special guest appearance during the intro... this is gonna be a big surprise for all of you... can't get the "wassup" chant out of my head haha. Oh by the way we have one cool recovery track... watch out for that one! :D

BodyAttack 56 is presented by (the lovely) Lisa, Fabio from Portugal and Will. This is a great mix, there's a different atmoshpere to every single track... from disco, dance floor to the volleyball match! I felt "free" by the end of the class. Lisa delivers excellent mixes consistently, and if you are as impressed as I am, please drop her a message and let her know she's doing an awesome job :)

We'll have BodyCombat 31 filming tomorrow... looking forward to it :)