Les Mills BodyAttack 70 Filming
What a night! still feeling the buzz and still on Attack high few hours after BA70 filming! I wasn't feeling too well today and was about to give the filming a miss, but Lisa Osborne's smiles came into my head and her energy inspired me... remember Lisa kept attacking even few weeks prior to giving birth!... so as a male I can't find s better excuse to miss a great experience... :)
Turned out to be the right decision... energy went through the roof, everyone was smiling and Lisa showed her appreciation not only to the internationals but also the local members. I felt that we are there just because of our passion for the fitness... isn't this what fitness is about? Defnitely one of the best filming experiences during my time at LM Auckland.. :)
BA70 - Welcome to the fitness battlefield, filled with peace and love! This is another great workout that will guarantee the result. BA70 is full of fun and the class just ends too quickly, leaving you wanting more! Lots of great tunes that you can sing along to, creative combos (which was refined extensively during the weeks of trials) and most imporantly there are two tracks which allow you to throw in some BodyCombat options!!! watch out attackers, we are comming after you.. guards up and drive those knees! (kidding :))
Btw I think I saw Tina Osborne... or was I dreaming?! :)
If you haven't become a fan of Lisa, please join her Facebook Fan Page!

Hi PJ!
Firstly, thank you so much for your posts!=)
Have a few questions: where's GRANT? He wasn't pictured on any photos from BA69 filming and I can't see him here either... He's been in all filmings 63-68, so what's up with this sudden absence?
And, just of curiosity, who is Tina Osborne? Another Lisa? That would be too awesome...
Hi Kristian, thanks for your message! glad you liked the post :) Grant wasn't in this release, I think the presenters take turns. :) always something different for you guys everytime...! Tina will surprise you in a few months.. you'll see when the DVD comes out! too funny!
AAHH... I am so excited! Thankyou PJ. I also ways follow your blog... (This is my first comment though)
Can't wait to experience Lisa's energy... Will be meeting her this weekend in Sydney! :)
Thanks for the post PJ? Care to share who the presenters were?
Kind of off topic but who was the male instructor with a real gruff military like voice from the older Attack releases?
Saw him in a vid of Body Attack 40 and was impressed by his energy and motivation.
hi, I would like to know the name of each instructor who appears in these photos, as well as Lisa. Thank you, I am Brazilian and I love Body Attack ♥
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