Les Mills BodyAttack 68 Filming

BA68 is amazing and I'll say that again and again... where does Lisa get all the ideas about music and choreography??? Lisa you are an inspiration for everyone... since you arrived in NZ, everytime I am in your class I can be myself and enjoy every moment with you... isn't it what the fitness class is about?! You are my No. 1 :)
Instructors all over the world, get ready to practice a few moves... such as "evacuate", "killing me", "birthday cake", "freedom arms", and "keep fighting" jabs and uppers! :) such a pity we didn't get to much of these in the filmings, but I am sure your members will love it if you do! The rugby themed agility track is packed with fun and will take your fitness to the next level. Special shoutout to Brent from USA, awesome job, you rocked!
My apologies to the attackers - I couldn't get more pictures because the team had to re-take parts of track 2 at the end of the filming and they got off stage quickly after that....
Lisa is awesomazing. I reckon every BA release is going to be brilliant for sure. I never fail to love every new release since my module training on BA63. Cute names for moves on BA68 though. Send my regards to Lisa PJ. Tell her how much people love her and her work. =) And thanks for the post, means alot to people like me. =)
Too bad only 2 photos for BA ,but seeing many pics with you and Lisa is a real treat :D
you make me so want go back to teach attack again^^ buy my knee are so not good.><
wuaaa .. beautiful photos as always my friend, thanks for sharing with friends all the films and Les Mills, you're a great person and we greatly appreciate your page and passion.
saludos Oscar, Sara and Hernan, big hug for you and take care
Mario (Chile)
Alan Lisa will be very pleased to see your lovely comment for her! thanks for your support :)
haha thanks Anonymous, Lisa really knows how to make a pose!
hey Nicole hope your knee gets well soon and you can come back to Attack!
thanks Mario, abrazos to you, and thanks for your support! :)
Hey PJ !
too bad you didnt get more pics :)
who is on the dvd ?
I recognize Lisa of course, Nathan, Grant, ... who else ? :)
hoho wonderboy!!! are you THE wonderboy, friend of adem and miska??
was Lisa, Nathan, Grant, Brent from USA (he was on BS video with Olivier Klein 1.5 year ago) and le beau Bevan....
Lisa Osborne is my greatest inspiration. BODYATTACK love more than anything, and I really think it very important achievement. Choosing the right music and adapting the choreography, I think it is fantastic!
I want her to come to Argentina sometime. Lots of people here admire her, and also like me, yearn to know.
It's great and will take it into BODYATTACK passionate about every new mix that comes out.
Applause to you, that you know and enjoy their classes.
Many kisses from Argentina!
Thanks for sharing all this!
Euge (Argentina)
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