Les Mills Update 19/Nov/2006

- Dan & Rach will be away for 3 weeks as they are visiting Portugal and the Netherlands. They are super busy!
- Ruth T came back, did a couple of pump classes and also presneted the BodyPump master class. Maybe she'll take off again soon as she's currently living in Australia?
- Gandalf joined D&R on stage for a Combat cooldown. Great form and wicked Ninja pose haha :)
你的網站超讚的!! Cool~~~
Best Regards
謝謝你的留言,didi! :D
I hope Gandolf will appear on BC's video someday. and maybe mix a bit of Jam moves to it :D
biekje, Rach will be glad to know what you think of her... maybe she'll see this comment one day? :) I hope they'll visit the Netherlands more often so you'll get to do more D&R classes :)
I want them back in Sweden again! :P
*praying for a re-visit at LM Super Saturday in September 2007!*
Fredrik, do you agree that LM is paying more and more attentions to the European market? I think there's a good chance that they'll present the Super Workshop in Sweden again :)
Yes I noticed that. Although I think that sort of comes a little with the territory these days since more pre-chorey programs are popping up and LM wants to keep their market. And by having international master trainers travelling and keeping interest is one of the best selling arguments out there.
And I'm not complaining either. They are wonderful people and I'm a true LM devotee! :)
Fredrik, isn't it true that when there are more competitions in the market, the consumers benefit the most? :) what other programs are there except fight-do / group kick?
biekje, Dan is sweet too :) did you talk to him as well?
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