BodyCombat 31 filming

If you don't know what a Dougi is, the pic on the left should give you an idea! just imagine it in black haha
Anyway BC31 is another AWESOME mix. Enjoyed all the trials and the filming... now I can't wait to do it again. Innovative and challenging new moves... best T3 and T4 ever!!! People please get excited and be ready for this brilliant mix :D
Joined Vaux and Jet on stage were Oscar from Spain and Ivan from Portugal via Brazil. They are both great. Oscar is a wonderful presenter with friendly / caring personality and awesome form & techniques! He's like a robot, executing each and single move to perfection... Spainish people, you should be proud of him!. You'll also see him participating BA in BA56 DVD - front row! :)

Oscar & Dan
(Thanks for the Japanese visitor "lm" for providing the photos above. )
Chris Richardson and Mark S were participating the filming with us, I really enjoyed the filming :D
thank you so much for the updates PJ!
it's always great to read your blog
thanx for the dl, you have a knack for getting us more hyped up than the sizzlers Peej!
thanks Tom and cale! more news comming... watch this space ^_*
Great filming !! I was there :D
I wish more instructors from overseas were like him...
When someone is that good participants can sense and see it instantly.
PJ is the man!!
Hey PJ great comments my friend i like the direction BC is going in but a bit worried about the next Jam release,whats Jam 40 like?
By the way that was mrrocket : )
Yeah great comments PJ!
Love Rosy xx
hey Eviljas, yeah Oscar was outstanding :) it's a pity that he was so busy and we didn't have a chance to chat. hope he'll come over as a guest again?
Mr Rocket! good to see you here man! glad that you like my blog :) I think you'll love BJ40, some disco, hiphop, latin, jive and block 2 will be a surprise for you! :D
thanks Rosy! remember to bookmark my blog and check it regularly ^_*
Hey PJ,
FIlming days were soooooooooo FUN!
It is sorta hard to get back to normal gym life haha.
Sarah did some 30 tracks tonight,though.
hello biekje, good to see you here :) thanks for your comments!
hello Miko, thanks for visiting my blog :) yeah I am feeling lazy... will take a few days off from my work out routine... might do Ringside this Saturday though :D catch you there!
HOLA from Spain!!
PJ I just read your e-mail, and I'm so happy you all liked Oscar!!!! Here in Spain we're so proud of him, he's the best!!!!!
By the way PJ, great blog!! you'll see me around here from time to time! see ya! :)
Hola bycheja! welcome to my blog... thanks for the comments and please keep visiting :D Oscar rocked! look forward to seeing him in Auckland again!
biekje, sorry been a bit lazy haha.. thanks for the reminder, working on the update now :D hope you are doing fine biekje, take care!
PJ我是小白 不知道可不可以留中文耶^^
PJ大大,請問您那邊可以先透漏BODY COMBAT30的曲目嗎,不過這樣子如果被MEL知道了她會不會生氣呢^^?
對啊 PJ大大我是小白啦,昨天終於上到康貝30套了,第四首好難啊我還是跳不起來呢^^"再慢慢的學習,^^
你好 我是一个忠实的莱美FANS
好希望能得到一套COMBAT 31
可以寄给我吗 谢谢你
Hello , I´m Oscar from Spain, Thank you for your words, it´s really beautiful. I´m feel very proud with your words, it´s sincere true.
I hope that you liked my work.
If some day I come back to NZ , I would like to speak with you.
You are a good person.
Sorry for my English , I´m learning.
Big hug from the other side of the world.
Oscar Peiro
Hola Oscar :), thanks for the message! I am glad that the message went accross, because I did not have a chance to tell you how great you were when you were here!
absolutely loved your work, great choice of LM to have you presenting, as instructors can learn from your great techniques. just hope you could have done more than one track! :)
looking forward to meeting you in Auckland again... can we request that you to be the guest again in the near future haha :) take care and keep in touch
Q genial q alguien tenga tanta ifo sobre body combat ...
yo adoro el body combat^^!!!!!!!
y en esta pag encontre justo lo q buscaba!!!!!=)...
el nuevo mix de body combat realmente es lo maximo=] me fascina...
ya encontre todos los traks!!!!... but i have a problem=*!!!! tengo 2 tracks failure quien me lo puede facilitar??????
i need track1 and 8 y justo los mejores!!!!!!
+Bueno ese es mi gran aporte congratulation por las fotos!!!!
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