This is an awesome and challenging release by master Glen, probably the most challenging one in recent BP releases! I love this release so much and I can't wait to do it every night... so every night is gonna be a good night? :)
The strong BP team consists of people from four corners of the world - we have Glen fron land of hobbits, Susan from Kemeu, Sara from Spain, Cesar from Argentina and Yannick from France. Sara, Cesar and Yannick all did an awesome job in teaching in English, hope to see them again in Auckland one day.
Les Mills strictly prohibits cameras during the filmings so the pictures were all taken when the filming has finished.
Glen and Dan (who was in charge of the hosting of filming, thus the outfit:)).

The amazing Kylie Gates - pity that she didn't present this time as she was in charge of the coaching, but it's awesome to see Kylie with her beautiful smiles in Auckland every few months, such an inspiration!

Yannick the French Wolverine - amazing performances in the bicep track! Thank you for comming to Auckland to share this experience :) (had to get to the backstage to take his pic before he takes off!)

Sara and Cesar - Sara nailed the tricep and lunge tracks, and Cesar taught the shoulder track in English.. and Maori!

Sara, Cesar and two visitors from Spain

Me and Miss Sarah O aka the singing bird - don't you call like candid shots like this? Thanks for the smile Sarah! :)

Me and Judy - who will be presenting BC43.