To All My Blog Readers

First of all, I'd like to thank you for all your constant support. I've never imagined that I could find so many friendships via this page.
I also wish to apologize for the lack of updates. As you can see I am not keen on writing about myself & my personal life. I've been living by the principle that life is not about ourselves... and we should think more for the others.
However I've been troubled with some personal problems, and have come to a point that my mind is fully occupied by the issues. I feel sorry to my loyal readers because I know some of you visit regularly and would be disappointed when you don't see new updates. I've been considering closing down this blog but I can't really let go when I think of you guys.
There might be some changes of directions to this page... the battle continues...
Oh PJ! I'm so sorry to hear that you're having a rough time personally - all of my best wishes to you. {{HUGZ}}
Hi, PJ! Greetings from Brazil! Sorry for the rough time you're passing through. Wish you the best! Big hug!
Sorry to hear that PJ - always enjoy your updates. stay strong my brother!
Im sorry to hear you have probs PJ, sending positive vibes your way, hope things get better for you.
Im sorry to hear you have probs PJ, sending positive vibes your way, hope things get better for you.
人生有起有落,雨后终会有晴天. 也许不是今天,明天,但终会有一天!只要你勇于面对,加油 加油!!!=)Lindy
I'm sorry hear that PJ.
I hope you will have peace,and I will remember you in my prayers.
With love.
Hey PJ, keep up the fight Brother!
PJ I know how strong you are, and I am sure you'll be able to overcome all the obstacles!
Thanks everyone for the kind words and encouragements, much appreciated!
Marshmallow, thanks for the good wishes, same to you my friend!
Rodrigo, thank you and hope things are great in Brazil!
Glen, cheers brother, let's stand strong and stay with the fight
Romeo, thanks my friend, hope you and the girls are doing fine!
Regina, 謝謝你的鼓勵!我會秉持著台灣人的精神努力打拼.希望你一切安好,生活沒有受到颱風影響.有時間多聯絡哦!
Lindy, 謝謝你的留言,希望你每天都是美好的晴天,要記得笑口常開哦.
Ayumi, thanks for your message. I am working hard to be at peace... hope you are doing fine and enjoying the sunshine in okinawa!
Steve, cheers mate, will never give up
Tom, thanks for your best wishes... hugs for you my friend!
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