Drawing Restraint 9

This movie is a masterpiece.
Director Matthew Barney has been creating a series of "Drawing Restraint" since 1987, in which he plays a man wishing to break free and draw paintings on the ceiling of the room using different methods with added resistence...
Drawing Restraint 9, Shot in Nagasaki Bay Japan, illustrates all sorts of human's self-imposed resistences & restraints using metaphors such as culture, language, whale hunting, ceremonies and costumes... Even skin & flesh are restraints for Matthew Barnet and his partner Bjork to show their love & desires for each other... and you can witness the restraints being "removed".
Unfortunately, almost all of Matthew Barney's work are funded by a group of rich "art collectors" and classified as "art", rahter than movie... thereofore there will be no cinema & DVD releases... I was lucky to be able to watch this beautiful movie in 2005 Auckland International Film Festival.
You can view the trailer @ http://www.apple.com/trailers/independent/drawingrestraint9/trailer/
Hey PJ would love to see this film so if you ever get a chance to send me a copy : ) stuart
Erm, I wanna say something, but I dont know what.
Never seen the movie...so I dont know.
So I just come and say hi instead ;)
Hello Stuart, all the copyrights of the movies by this director is owned by a group of rich art collectors, so there's no cinema or DVD release... you can only watch it in film festivals :(
Biance I still own you an e-mail! will reply as soon as I have more good vibes for you... now I am a bit low haha :) check this movie out if you have a chance, it's inspiring :)
don't worry 'bout good vibes, just send it ;)
*sending good vibes to PJ*
I would love to watch this movie myself. I have the soundtrack;-)
here is the bath scene:
PJ, its about time for a new blog...dont you think?
hello Maria! thanks for sharing the clip of the bath scene. you should check the movie out if you have the chance! :)
Bianca, yeah guess the readers are disappointed not seeing new update.. will work on it soon :)
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