BodyCombat 33 Filming
BC33 rocks, and the filming was just awesome! It's great to finally meet virtual friends that I've known for a long time... Linda, Donna and Chez, it was great meeing you and I love doing classes with you guys!
It's amazing to see people from all over the world comming to New Zealand just to participate the filmings of Les Mills programs... big shoutout to team Scotland, UK, Brazil, Japan, Australia... etc. Hope to see you all again.

Wicked PJ, My first peek at BC33.
Thanks for putting these on your site!
See Matt, Carl, Phil and Donna in the group photo.
Was that Mel too?
whats with the little kid?
Fab pics PJ
Rosy xx
awesome pics :D
we can see everyone and everything ;p
Do you also have some attack or pump pictures? I am so curious!!!
hi Shady, thanks for the comment dude :) yes Mel is here too. hope you and Rosy will make it some day!
Bianca, the kid is Lisa's baby Jackson :)
hey anonymous! it would be scary to see everything haha
and no I don't have any Jam or Attack pix... sorry about that :(
it would have been one hell of a team teach with all those instructors on stage lol ;) - rich
yes it's me. Combatchez is in there too.
Baby Jackson is soooo cute.
what an awesome time we had during the filming. Rach did ask for all the combat instructors to go up on stage, but not being an instructor I didnt feel it was right for me to be up there, although Mel did try her best to drag me up, lol
cool if ya look at the first pic you can actually see that all the logo's are reversed for the filming lol
Yip Alexm, all the logos are reversed for the filmings with the exception of Pump
Great pictures PJ!
But what have I been missing!? Romeo, where you there for the filming?!?!
Hey Fredrik, sure was hun, had an amazing time too, I was just behind PJ for the filmings. Would have been front row, but had a few injury probs.
Linda, Rach did a second call for EVERYBODY to come up for the second lot of pics, but I guess you missed it :(
I thought you had come up on stage...
ooh dam Mel, I missed that one, was probably away getting my camera for the first lot, lol
hahaha I believe we have a mini forum evolving here..
Hello world lol
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